Henty Riding Club Inc Facebook Guidelines

Facebook is, by its nature, an informal communication tool. At Henty Riding Club we use Facebook to inform club members of events and activities, and things that might be of interest to occurring at the grounds or pass on information from Equestrian Australia.
This might include clinics and instructors at the grounds.
We use it to advertise our own events and for making queries in regards to the event.
We do not post general advertising on our Facebook page nor do we post on behalf of clubs or individuals who charge for their service.
Advertising of businesses is allowed for those that sponsor events and activities for Henty Riding Club.
Advertising for sponsors is valid up to and including the day of the event and for six months post event.
Official Queries and Complaints
The club may post information that might be of interest to members, such as EA membership. All comments in regards to these posts/sharing of information will be directed to the organisation responsible. Examples of this are EA insurance/membership posts. Queries should be directed to EA for clarity and an official response. Members comments may not be accurate and should not be considered official. Often these types of queries are related to EA or Pony Club rules and gear allowed.
Because Facebook is an informal communication tool, comments may or may not give the correct information and are not considered an ‘official’ reply. There is a risk that someone may be given the incorrect information and then act on the wrong information. Henty is not liable for individual comments.
Members can make official queries by contacting the Club Secretary. The Secretary can direct you to the correct person, or even make enquiries to the appropriate persons on your behalf if it would benefit the membership of the club.
Complaints should also be directed to the Secretary so that they can managed according to the official guidelines within the club. This will ensure a response and also allow discussion and consideration of the item which may be able to bring about positive changes.
Items for sale
Items for sale should be directed to the FB pages that cater specifically for this. There are various and numerous pages on Facebook for buying and selling horses, tack, floats, etc.
Alternatively, items for sale can be sent to the Henty Newsletter editor and asked to be posted there.
Process for posting
The administrator, appointed by the Henty Committee, has the responsibility for managing the Henty Riding Club Facebook page.
All decisions in regards to posts made by the administrator are final, including removing comments.
Any concerns or complaints in regards to posts or comments should be directed, via email to the Secretary to manage as per the complaints process.
Bullying and Harrassment
Any abuse of the administrator/s of the Facebook page either by FB comments, in person or via email will result in a sanction of the member and the person risks losing their membership.
Bullying and harassment of anyone on the Henty Facebook page will not be tolerated.

Henty Facebook guidelines March 2018